Our ecosystem
Defend the Wild collaborates with a broad range organisations and other important stakeholders.
The defence of our natural world demands connectivity.
We are in this together.
Defend the Wild collaborates with and is supported by a number organisations and groups across the cultural, wildlife, animal and environmental protection spaces.
Dingo Culture campaigns for legislative change to protect dingoes across Queensland. Aboriginal people across Australia hold the dingo as a sacred and culturally important, a perspective that has long been ignored by government in their policy making decisions. This must change. We are the First People of this country and therefore a major stakeholder on the management of environment and native animals.
Minyumai Indigenous Protected Area is a 2000ha property bordering the Bundjalung National Park and Tabbimoble Swamp Nature Reserves. It was purchased by the Minyumai Land Holding Aboriginal Corporation (MLHAC) on behalf of the Bandjalang clan in 1999 and declared an IPA in 2011. This property is managed by the Minyumai Indigenous rangers caring for Country.
Girringun Aboriginal Corporation represents the interests of traditional owners from nine tribal groups: Bandjin, Djiru, Girramay, Gugu Badhun, Gulnay, Jirrbal, Nywaigi, Warrgamay and Warungnu. Girringun’s vision is to provide sustainable outcomes for its members and the community at large while maintaining and caring for the land and preserving their culture and traditions.
The Victorian Forest Alliance (VFA) brings together more than 30 grass roots community groups from across Victoria who are campaigning for protection of native forests from logging. Collectively, we have decades of experience working within our local communities. Our mission is to protect and restore native forests.
Vets For Compassion is an Australian based not-for-profit organisation with a mission to improve animal welfare. All VFC team members are volunteers. The highly trained team of veterinarians, vet nurses, wildlife darters and rescuers specialise in emergency wildlife and large animal rescue, and disaster response here in Australia and in Asia.
Koala Clancy Foundation plants trees for koalas, creates new habitat, educates the local and wider community, supports scientific research and advocates for protection of wild koalas and their forest habitats. Koala Clancy Foundation is an independent registered charity and not for profit organisation in Victoria, Australia.
WIRES is Australia's largest wildlife rescue organisation. WIRES has been rescuing and caring for sick, injured and orphaned native animals for over 35 years, and our mission is to actively rehabilitate and preserve Australian wildlife and inspire others to do the same.
Known for their groundbreaking documentary film Envoy: Shark Cull, exposing the Queensland Shark Control program and the New South Wales Shark Meshing Bather Protection Program, Envoy Foundation empowers conservations, scientists, filmmakers and entrepreneurs to scale their positive impact on the world.
Wildlife Victoria is a not-for-profit organisation that has provided Victoria with a statewide wildlife emergency response service since 1989. In 2023, Wildlife Victoria responded to over 130,000 calls for help for sick, injured, and orphaned native wildlife and assisted 86,658 animals across 452 species.
World Animal Protection is the global voice for animal welfare, with more than 70 years’ experience campaigning for a world where animals live free from cruelty and suffering. We have offices in 12 countries and work across 47 countries. We collaborate with local communities, the private sector, civil society, and governments to change animals’ lives for the better.
Collective Fashion Justice has played a key role in the development of the Defend the Wild initiative, making important contributions to all sections regarding the harms caused to wildlife by the fashion industry.
Collective Fashion Justice is an organisation working for a fashion system that upholds total ethics, by prioritising the life of all animals; human and non-human, and the planet.
Animals Australia, along with our global arm, Animals International, has an unprecedented track record in investigating and exposing animal cruelty and for conducting world-first strategic public awareness campaigns. Our vision is a world where kindness, compassion and respect extend to all living beings. We understand that achieving our vision requires a transformation and elevation of human thinking.
Victorian Kangaroo Alliance Inc. is a fighting force dedicated to protecting the kangaroos in our state from the world's largest land-based wildlife massacre. We advocate for our unique kangaroos to be treated with respect and inherently valued as a totemic keystone species worthy of full protection. We bring together Traditional Owners, communities, wildlife experts, wildlife-friendly politicians, media, animal welfare organisations and direct-action animal defenders to protect Victoria’s Kangaroos
Balu Blue’s mission is to promote the conservation of both land-based and marine environments, protection of species, rescue and rehabilitation of injured wildlife, and restoration of destroyed habitats to provide sanctuary for our wildlife.
Balu Blue educates the public on wildlife rescue, and living with a lighter footprint, whilst aiming to educate and inspire sustainable and ethical living.
Animal Liberation has been integral to the development of the Defend the Wild initiative, contributing to research, writing, and consultation with relevant experts.
Animal Liberation is an animal rights organisation working to permanently improve the lives of all animals through legislation, consumer advocacy, action, and education.
Animal Justice Party is Australia’s only political party dedicated to the protection of animals. Their mission is to help create a planet on which animals and nature have the right to live, and thrive, free from negative human interference, and a human society that functions with kindness and compassion within its ecological limits as a responsible member of the Earth community.
The Coalition Against 1080 Poison is proud to be Australia’s only network dedicated to banning 1080 poison.
Their mission is to support Australians by providing free services, information and tools to educate, raise awareness and lobby for change in their communities.
Animal Liberation Queensland is an independent animal rights organisation, founded in 1979, advocating the rights of non-human animals so that they may live free from abuse, cruelty, and exploitation. Our mission is to protect animals; foster respectful and compassionate community attitudes toward animals, and promote veganism as the most ethical and sustainable lifestyle.
Lewis Burnett is a wildlife photographer who formed 'Hunting for Paradise' in 2017 as a passion project to help connect people to nature via compelling visual story telling. His work is now mostly focussed on helping visually communicate the efforts of NGO's and the scientific community in the hopes that by bridging the gap between art and science he can communicate to a wider audience the issues threatening our last wild places.
Kangaroos Alive is a global movement for the ethical treatment of kangaroos. It runs programs that educate people about kangaroos and it campaigns nationally and globally for a moratorium on the killing of kangaroos. It is partnering with Back to Country from the Yuin Nation recognising that kangaroos are a sacred Totem for First Nation people.
In 2020 Kangaroos Alive created World Kangaroo Day (October 24) to celebrate kangaroos and to lobby for their protection.
Tolga Bat Hospital has been a registered charity since 2008. They are a community group that works for the conservation of bags and their habitat through rescue and landcare work, advocacy, education and research.